..to limit the up-front fees for our clients, we offer contingency-based (results-based) services, as well as coaching-based services (based on a low hourly rate). Read more on the bottom of this page under "Fees"...
Andreas Jaeger
Business Consulting & Turnaround Services
Usually consultants get involved because a business is in a difficult situation due to changes in the marketplace, technology, competition, regulatory framework, or because past decisions of the business have not led to the desired results.
It is also common that small businesses grow in size to a point where the increase in complexity and scale requires a new organizational structure or a more sophisticated management and controlling process to continue to be successful.
To address these issues, we offer 4 types of business consulting services for small- and medium-sized companies:
- The 4 services we are offering are closely related because all of them are all critical for a business to be successful.
- Whereas LRP, FP&A and PMO can be contracted separately, the Turnaround Consulting and Improvement Interventions are an integration of key elements of the other three services geared towards a rapid improvement of the business. Focus is therefore on a fast completion of the analysis portion of each step, with a rapid implementation of those initiatives which result in the fastest improvement of the businesses financials.
- For startup businesses, we also offer the Turnaround Consulting in combination with Venture Capital as so-called "Backer Services".
- We believe that all of these areas of expertise can be acquired at various levels of complexity and detail. For most smaller businesses it makes sense to keep the strategic planning process and the execution tools fairly simple so they can be completed quickly and do not become an administrative burden for the business.
Step 1...
...consists of a scan of the internal environment of the business, including core competencies, resources and organizational capabilities.
It includes identifying all key Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Risks that exist inside the business, and strategies to overcome them.
We will also review a summary of the financial situation including cash-flow and projected cash flow, identifying financial risks and opportunities and setting aspirational goals for the strategy.
Step 2...
...consists of a scan of the external environment the business is operating in, including opportunities and risks related to competitors, customers, channels, technology and the regulatory environment.

Step 3...
...based on steps 1) and 2), we will identify the Strategic Themes for the business across 3 time horizons to maximize its growth and profit potential. Typically the following years make the most sense: Horizon 1: Years 1 & 2; Horizon 2: Years 3 & 4; Horizon 3: Years 5+
Step 4...
...based on step 3) we will identify and prioritize all key strategic projects and initiatives, including time-horizons and ballpark resource requirements for the implementation of each Strategic Theme for each of the 3 time horizons.
Financial Planning & Analysis (FP&A)
- As a business grows, it becomes increasingly important that it has a simple but solid way of controlling its financial status. This part of our services includes the following elements:
- Assisting the business in developing a simple template that allows management to track and forecast all of its key financial metrics such as sales, cost, overhead, operating profit, cash-flow and tax burden.
- This includes linking the financial metrics to bank account balances and identifying internal and external funding requirements.
- As part of this process we assist and coach the business to develop a simple forecasting process to forecast all of the key metrics, so that intervening actions can be planned before a financial situation becomes an emergency or a limiting factor in the business's future.
Monthly Operating Review (MOR)
- This element of financial planning includes the development of a formal, but simple process to review a businesses key operating metrics on a monthly basis.
- This includes all key financial metrics that were developed as part of the FP&A capability, but also key operating metrics such as customer-centric order-fulfillment metrics and key operating metrics such as inventory, accounts payable, accounts receivable and cash-flow.

Annual Operating Review (AOP)
- This element of financial planning capability includes the development of a formal, but simple process to review a businesses key operating metrics on an annual basis.
- It mirrors the process outlined in the MOR capability but it is focused on the full year ahead before it begins.
- Being able to view the progress and goals of a business one year ahead allow management to act pro-actively rather than reactively on a month-to-month basis. It allows management to make changes to the projects and initiatives that were envisioned as part of the Long-range Strategic Plan (LRP) if they do not meet the goals set as part of the strategic planning process.
- Goal of this part of our services is to enable our clients to deliver the goals of the business strategy.
- Together with Strategic Planning and Financial Controls, PMO capability is the third critical element for the success of a business. It follows directly after Step 4 in the development of the strategy you see in the LRP segment above.
- Overall goal is to assist the business to develop project plans with resources and time-lines that are realistic and executable to deliver the goals of the Strategic Plan.
- We help our clients to define project management teams, and a project management cadence, that allows the organization to control the execution of projects against the 3 key dimension of Time, Scope, and Value.

- Developing a PMO capability does not have to be a major burden for a business. We use templates and processes that are simple and straight forward and can be managed without buying specialty software.
- We coach our clients through the initial setup of the projects and guide them through the setup of the most essential processes. We typically stay with the business through the first number of iterations of planning and controlling of projects until the internal PMO capability has reached a basic maturity that allows the business to continue the process on its own.
- Whereas LRP, FP&A and PMO can be contracted individually, the Turnaround Consulting and Improvement Interventions is an integration of key elements of the other three competencies but geared towards a rapid improvement of the business rather than capability development.
- Focus is therefore on a fast completion of the analysis portion of each step, with a rapid implementation of those initiatives which result in the fastest improvement of the businesses financials.
- For startup business who experience difficulties after launch, we offer Turnaround Consulting Services in combination with Venture Capital assistance (so called "Backer-Services").
- Together with the founder of the business, we take a quick inventory of the business situation and identify areas of improvements and investments to make the business successful.
- If we feel the situation is a fit for us, we would make a funding commitment to the business in exchange for an ownership stake. Together with the owner and founder of the business we will go through the improvement implementation and investment process until the agreed-upon goals have been achieved or exceeded. The fees for the consulting-potion of the Backer-Services are agreed upon in advance in relationship to the increase in sales or profit so that the business is not burdened with additional cost unless desired improvements have been achieved.
- The funds we provide are not originated from banks or lenders but rather from a private, off-capital-market estate. That way the founder or owner of the business will not owe repayment of the funds because they are provided as equity.

How to start - your next steps...
- If we decide to offer venture financing for a project, then we typically take an ownership stake in the business so that we can share in the future generated profits or the value of the business if it is bought-out by someone else at a future point in time.

- For Business Consulting, and for “Backer” type services for an existing business or a business launch that requires additional investment to make it successful, or in a turnaround situation, we use the following models:
- 1) Consulting engagement based fees: For business consulting engagements at the clients' site, we charge a fee of $900 per office day plus $300 per day of travel plus expenses.
- 2) Contingency-based, which means we do not charge a consulting fee up front. Instead, we agree with our clients to participate in a share of the increased sales or profits. That way, our clients are not paying for our services unless if they result in an increase in sales or profits.
- 3) Coaching-based: Depending on the type of situation we may offer to guide our clients on a fee-basis for a period of time until they have gained control over the situation or brought their launch to a level of maturity where they require little or no outside assistance. Our coaching-based fee starts at $150 per hour.
- You can call or e-mail me if you are interested in working with us, or if you want to find out more about our services.
- In your email, in a few words please describe what you are looking for and a phone number where you can be reached. We will then e-mail or call you to set a time for a free initial call to explore how our services can be of help for you.
Don't hesitate to give me a call.
I am looking forward to hearing from you,
Andreas Jaeger
Andreas Jaeger
Founder & Principal, Jaeger Investment LLC
Andreas Jaeger Consulting
Mobile: +1 -602-740-9210
Email: atj1@live.com