Financial Planning & Retirement Services
“…In my practice I often meet people who are looking for direction on personal finances, career, education, and other topics related to advancing with life-goals. People often desire more control in these areas, and they wish they had a better plan for how to reach their long-term goals.
Because of my experience with these topics, I coach clients how to get started with the process of gaining control over their personal finances and career, and I teach some of the skills that have helped me to manage life-goals successfully....”
Everybody is in a different stage in their life, and so the needs in this area vary from client to client.
Depending on someone's individual situation, I can help my clients in the following 3 areas:
1) Financial-skills coaching
2) Education- & career planning
3) Retirement planning

1) Financial-skills coaching
This includes coaching the tools and processes necessary to gain better control over one’s personal finances such as planning and reconciling the check-book balance, but also making plans to manage one’s expenses and developing a strategy on how to increase one’s income.
Typically the personal financial planning has multiple time-horizons, such as current month, the year ahead, and long term. I use tools and templates I have developed for myself. I share them with my clients for them to develop their own individual planning tools, and I help them to identify strategies to balance their income and expenses long term, while saving for retirement or attaining long-term financial goals.
2) Education- & career planning
I often meet people who are caught in a job that does not challenge them, has lower than desired wages, or does not fit a person’s talents or intellectual capacity. I advice people on potential exit strategies to realize their professional potential through educational opportunities or through finding different career paths that better fit their goals and talents.

3) Retirement planning
I assist my clients in taking a look at their retirement planning from a financial perspective. On the income-side of the equation this can include helping people understand their expected Social Security income, the earning-power of their 401K plan, and I advise clients on how to develop potential alternative sources of income.
I can help clients to convert a conventional 401K or IRA into a self-directed IRA that gives them full control over their retirement funds without causing adverse tax implications, while at the same time providing long-term cash flow without being exposed to stock-market risks.
On the expense-side of their budget, I help clients making long-term plans for their major expenses such as the decision of renting versus owning a home, or understanding the impact long-term-care can have on their expenses.
I use templates and tools I have developed for myself which allows clients to plan their own financial future. The goal of the coaching is to enable the client to gain better control of their financial future.
Fees for Personal Financial Services & How to get started...

Andreas Jaeger
Founder & Principal, Jaeger Investment LLC
Realtor Andreas Jaeger, Russ Lyon Sotheby's International Realty
Mobile: +1 -602-740-9210
Fees for Personal Financial Services:
I offer a free orientation call to explore if my services can be of help for the specific goals you have.
Fees for personal coaching sessions are $120 per hour on a prorated basis. A typical session last 60-120 minutes and can be set up for a minimum of 1 hour at a time.
You do not have to make a commitment for more than one session up front, but we feel that several appointments over a period of time are best to accomplish meaningful progress.
How to get started:
You can call or e-mail me if you are interested in working with us, or if you want to find out more about our services.
In your email, in a few words please describe what you are looking for and a phone number where you can be reached. We will then e-mail or call you to set a time for a free initial call to explore how our services can be of help for you.
Don't hesitate to give me a call, I am looking forward to hearing from you,
Andreas Jaeger